> about

Jan Fedinger [EU 1983] is a visual artist that works across various media while using Light as prime medium of expression. His oeuvre comprises performative installations an installatief performances, light art and lighting design, performing, photography, drawings and furniture design. He is also the secret mind behind the modular synthesiser projects Invader_RUI and 404_instruments.

Work of Jan has been shown across Europe and beyond in the context of theatre and visual art. He is seeking to create environments that have not yet been perceived but that have only been dreamed of.

Next to his autonome work he has collaborated with artists such as Aina Alegre, Jan Martens, Jefta van Dinther, Daniel Linehan, Aitana Cordero, Thiago Granato and Alban Richard.

Jan has been a founding member of “reflecting light”, a research group of international lighting designers that seeks to map and formulate the increasing performative role of light in performing arts contexts. Since 2021 this research has been embedded into KASK - Royal Conservatory for the Arts in Gent, Belgium.

Currently on tour is Jans performance ‘land[e]scapes 4  - redistribution of wealth by nature [working title]’ , as well as his visual designs for ‘Any Attempt will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones’ and ‘VOICE NOISE’ by Jan Martens, ‘R-A-U-X-A’ and ‘THIS IS NOT…’ by  Aina Alegre among others.

> professional education

2008 - 2012 lighting design [MA], Theatre Academy of Helsinki [FI], department of Lighting and Sound design [VÄS]

2004 - 2008 technical theatre-making [BA], Amsterdam School of Arts [NL], department of theatre-making, technic and theatre [OTT]

> work of Jan

redistribution of wealth by nature [working title] - land[e]scapes 4 - by Jan Fedinger - SPRING Utrecht festival, Utrecht, NL

redistribution of wealth by nature [working title] - land[e]scapes 4 - by Jan Fedinger - SPRING on SCREEN Utrecht festival, Utrecht, NL

if we keep staring into the sun another new world might emerge - land[e]scapes 3 - by Jan Fedinger - Stamsund international Theaterfestival, Stamsund, No

land [e]scapes 1.2 - by Jan Fedinger - Winterlicht 2011 festival, Schiedam, NL

land[e]scapes 2 - by Jan Fedinger - espace de lumière  exhibition - mairie du 5eme, Paris, F

land [e]scapes 1 - by Jan Fedinger - temporary VÄS gallery, Helsinki, FI

requiem for a lightbulb - by Jan Fedinger and MIM studio - Kanuti Gildi Saal, Tallinn, EE

16_pix_b/w - by Jan Fedinger - VÄS building, Helsinki, FI

flowin_in - by Jan Fedinger - Tetem Building, Enschede, NL

> work with Jan

Jusqu’au moment oú nous sauterons ensemble  -  Mélanie Perrier, Tremblay en France, F
VOICE NOISE  -  Jan Martens, DeSingel, Antwerpen, B

The Blue Hour  -  Benjamin Kahn, Festival de Marseille, Marseille, F

THIS IS NOT: an act of love and resistance  -  Aina Alegre, December dance, Brugge, B
as it burns - Meri Pajunpaa, ITAK, Kuopio, FI

bones & wires - Simon Mayer, Brut, Vienna, AU
datadream. -  by Steven Michel, C-mine, Genk, B
ANY ATTEMPT… -  by Jan Martens, Festival d’Avignon, Avignon, F

R-A-U-X-A  - by Aïna Alegré, La Rose des Vents, Villeneuve d’Asq, F
La Belle & la Bête  -  by Alban Richard / CCNCN, Caen, F canceled
Flökt - a flickering flow - by Bára Sigfúsdótir & Tinna Ottesen, NONA, Mechelen, B

soft landing - Merijn Hoss, Jurriaan Hos - STRP festival, Eindhoven, NL
Quand je vue mon ombre vaciller - Mélanie Perrier - Scène Nationale, Orléans, F

De Rovers - Meneer Monster & Norpa - HetHuis, Utrecht, NL
FIX ME - Alban Richard & Arnaud Rebotini - le Cargö, Caen, F

Being - Bára Sigfúsdótir - CAMPO, Gent, B
RULE of THREE - Jan Martens - DeSingel, Antwerpen, B
lose your head - Michael Wälti - Dampfzentrale, Bern, Ch

Pillen - Lunatiks with Christina Flick - Theaterdiscounter, Berlin, D
la casa - Aitana Cordero - Teatro Valle Inclan, Madrid, E
the common people - Jan Martens - Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf, D
the players - Edan Gorlicki - Grand Theatre, Groningen, NL
but the air is never sweet enough - Bite Bullet dance / Michael Wälti - Dampfzentrale, Bern CH
Schwalbe speelt een tijd - TG Schwalbe - Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Rotterdam, NL
BLOW BOYS BLOW - by Dennis Deter - Uferstudios, Berlin, D

treasured in the dark - Thiago Granato - Belo Horizonte, Br
dbddbb - Daniel Linehan - Opéra de Lille, Lille, F
lache - Mélanie Perrier - Rencentres choreografiques, Nouveau Theatre de Montreuil, Montreuil, F
Clubbing - Keren Levi - Theater Frascati, Amsterdam, NL
vexed vista - Adam Linder - Les subsistances, Lyon, F

into the big world - David Weber-Krebs - STUK, Leuven, B
the Karaoke Dialogues - by Daniel Linehan - Opéra de Lille, Lille, F
the dog days are over - Jan Martens - Frascati, Amsterdam, NL
the animated - Lea Martini, Hilde Elbers - Verkade fabriek, Den Bosch, NL

a little too close - by Edan Gorlicki - Grand Theatre, Groningen, NL
MAN - by Bob Foltz - Toneelschuur, Haarlem, NL
HertZ - by Sidney Leoni - Dansens Hus, Stockholm, SE
27th character - by Minke Elisa Brands - Theater Kikker, Utrecht, NL
WOE - by Edit Kaldor - Stuk Leuven, B
APNEA - by Rodrigo Sobarzo - De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL

THIS IS CONCRETE - Jefta van Dinther & Thiago Granato - Galeria Olido, Sao Paulo, Br
AMDG - NEUE VOCALSOLISTEN STUTTGART & Giovanni Bertelli - Theaterhaus, Stuttgart, D
serial sevens - NEUE VOCALSOLISTEN STUTTGART & Franscesca Verunelli - Theaterhaus, Stuttgart, D
Frucht und Schrecken - by Dennis Deter - Sophiensaele, Berlin, D
the Harvest - by Rodrigo Sobarzo - Het Veem Theater, Amsterdam, NL

Hunger - by Edan Gorlicki - Grand Theatre, Groningen, NL
united states [of consciousness] - by Rodrigo Sobarzo - Het Veem Theater, Amsterdam, NL
undead & delicious - by Deter/Müller/Martini - HAU 3, Berlin, D
WORK - by Edit Kaldor - Theater de Gouvernestraat, Rotterdam, NL

Alligators - by Michael Portnoy - Theater Frascati WG, Amsterdam, NL

among the multitude - by David Weber-Krebs - Theater Frascati, Amsterdam, NL
ritual for 1 self love ceremony - by Violetta Perra - Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt a.M., D

the end of all ends - by anonymous bystanders - Theater Kikker, Utrecht, NL
achter geranien - by Hannah Kaiser & Jan Fedinger - Openbare verlichtingshal, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, NL

Hello Stranger - by Daniel Almgren Recén & Lea Martini - Theaterschool Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL
De dingen - by Merel de Groot - Theaterschool Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL
Slodkie - by Malgorzata Haduch - OT301, Amsterdam, NL
This body, bloody piece - by Violetta Perra - Melkweg Theater, Amsterdam, NL
3 duets - by Aitana Cordero - Melkweg Theater, Amsterdam, NL
Holding the Tiger by its Tail - by anonymous bystanders - Theaterschool Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL
Veg - by Poolse Vis - on location, Utrecht, NL
Unfinished 3 - Malgorzata Haduch / unfinished company - OT301, Amsterdam, NL

Games Bond 009 - by anonymous bystanders - Theaterschool Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL
Unfinished 2 - Malgorzata Haduch / unfinished company - Bimhuis, Amsterdam, NL
Sacre - by David Weber-Krebs - Nikolaai church, Utrecht, NL
V-pieces - by Violetta Perra - Melkweg Theater, Amsterdam, NL
De man die meerdere malen op zijn hoofd is geslagen - by Floor Braber - Ostade Theater, Amsterdam, NL
Standards of a living - by anonymous bystanders - Theaterschool Amsterdam, NL
Spijtig - by Inge Voskamp / Poolse Vis - on location, Utrecht, NL
Unfinished - Malgorzata Haduch / unfinished company - Muiderpoort Theater, Amsterdam, NL
Orange Guineapigs 1.1 - by Orange Guineapigs - Frascatie Theater, Amsterdam, NL

Wenn es regnen geht - by TG Rambus - Melkweg Theater, Amsterdam, NL

Ijskouw - by Laurens Oliveiro & Lieke Jetten - Lindengracht / Theaterschool Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL
The matchbox samba - by Marcello Evelin - Muiderport Theater, Amsterdam, NL
Schilpad - by Inge Voskamp - Bij de vieze gasten Theater, Gent, B
Halle 3B - Modulorbeat - Osmohallen, Münster, D

Zufallswalzer - by Transit Theater - Theater im Pumpenhaus, Münster, D
Hautnah - by Loco Mosquito - Theater im Pumpenhaus, Münster, D